First Come First Served – No Reservations
Most times there is no wait to rent one of our 24 paddleboards at the Board House. Walk ups on hot week end or holidays may have a wait time for the next available un-reserved boards to come back in. The busiest times are usually from noon to about 3pm.
We do not take reservations for kayaks or canoes.
Be Prepared!
Wear quick dry clothing: (ie polyester, dri-fit)
Bring sunscreen, water shoes, towel, water.
Sunglasses will fall off if you fall in the water!
You can purchase glass retainers and waterproof phone cases at the Board House.
Cubbies available for storage, Do Not Bring Valuables
Three Oaks Recreation Area Rules!
Entrance to Three Oaks is Free
Parking is $5 per car. So carpool or bike in. (Those with Crystal Lake stickers on their car do not have to pay for parking.)
Children must be at least 12 years old to paddleboard.
Children 12 to 17 years must have a parent or guardian sign their waiver.
If you are chaperoning bring a signed Trip Permission form (see link below) signed by parents of those you are chaperoning.
If you bring your own paddleboard.
Check in at the Board House and sign waivers
Pay a launch fee of $10 per board.
The Board House staff will clean your board if needed before it goes into the water.
PFD vests are required by Three Oaks. (waist pfd’s are not allowed. Vests are available for rental for $5/ea.)
Stay out on the lake for the remainder of the day.
Must be 12 years or older. (Take younger kids kayaking at the Marina.)
NO PET on paddleboards!
This beautiful lake is owned and operated by the City of Crystal Lake, therefore; one must abide by all the rules of the lake. All the rules of the lake (see below) pertain to you!
On the Lake
No one under 12 years old on a paddleboard, period.
You must wear the PFD vest provided at all times.
No swimming off the board. Swim back to your board asap when you fall in.
Stay out of the swim area, scuba area or marina dock area.
Do not go on shore except for the Board House launch area.
Pets are not allowed on your board or in the water.
If you have a problem when out in the water, hold on to your board, wave your hands over your head. The patrol boat will assist you. Or if you have a phone call 845-790-8840 or 847-943-7043 for assistance.
Alpine Accessories Paddle Board Waiver

Beginner Lesson
Beginner lessons are for first time paddleboarders. Taking a lesson you will learn the basics so you will have the best experience and more fun. Instructors give about 10-15 minutes dry land, 10-15 on water with the instructor and the remaining time you practice on the water.

Intermediate lessons are great for when you have been on a paddleboard a few times and want more control of the direction you are going. You will have experienced and trained instructors give about 15 minutes dry land and 45 minutes on water instruction.

Private lessons are the best way to improve your paddling skills. You will have our most experienced and trained instructor for an entire hour with you on the areas you want to improve on. Improve and add to your repertoire of paddle strokes to help you control your board. How to handle waves, strong winds and learn pivot turns.
Paddleboarding at Three Oaks Recreation Area

Top Quality Paddleboards

“Rent the Maori”
Great for parties

“Weekday Specials”